TSA Launches “Invasive” Pat-Downs With “More Intimate Contact Than Before”

As a result of a study, which found that weapons routinely make it past airport security, the TSA is introducing “more rigorous” and “comprehensive” physical inspections at airports around the country, according to Bloomberg. The security agency, which until now had the option of using five different types of physical pat-downs in the screening line, is eliminating the “options” and replacing them with a single, universal method which would involve heavier groping.

The Transportation Security Administration made the announcement to its agents this week, and in the case of Denver International Airport employees, advised employees and flight crews on Thursday that the “more rigorous” searches “will be more thorough and may involve an officer making more intimate contact than before.”

In an ominous warning, TSA spokesman Bruce Anderson told Bloomberg that “people who in the past would have gotten a pat-down that wasn’t involved will notice that the [new] pat-down is more involved.” The shift from the previous, risk-based assessment on which pat-down procedure an officer should apply was phased in over the past two weeks after tests at smaller airports. In their notice, Denver airport officials said employees are subject to search at random locations: “If a pat down is required as part of the operation, badged employees will be required to comply with a TSA officer’s request to conduct a full body pat down.”

The new policy will also apply to pilots and flight attendants, classified as “known crewmembers” who generally receive less scrutiny at checkpoints. The TSA conducts occasional random searches of these employees, and airlines this week inquired as to whether their employees would be subject to more frequent pat-downs. The number of random searches for airline crews isn’t changing and will remain a “very small percentage” of the total, Anderson said. But airport employees may face more random checks.

Anyone who declines use of the TSA’s existing conventional scanner screen will be subject to the new pat-down. The TSA currently screens about 2 million people daily at U.S. airports. The agency doesn’t track how many passengers are subject to pat-down searches after they pass through an imaging scanner.

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Two Americas: One For U.S. Citizens Is Heavily Regulated And Monitored, The Other For Illegals Is Free Of Mandates, Regulations And Bureaucratic Harassment

If you’re a U.S. citizen and don’t believe we live in a two-tiered society, try getting on an airplane at any U.S. airport without showing ID. Then watch an illegal board, no questions asked.

Joe Biden’s Transportation Security Administration, or TSA, is working with Customs and Border Protection to allow illegal aliens to fly without proper identification.

This is in contrast to the treatment of U.S. citizens, who are required to show identification at airports before they are allowed to board a flight.

The New York Post reported that while U.S. citizens are required to show a passport or a valid form of identification to travel by plane both domestically and internationally, signs at various airports claim that the TSA and CBP are collaborating to enable illegal immigrants to travel without any ID.

As Americans find out about this double standard, they’re understandably not happy about it. But until this article in the NY Post, there’s been very little information about this secret program to allow illegals to fly unidentified.

I’ve always said that the creation of TSA and Homeland Security under George W. Bush had nothing to do with safety or security and everything to do with controlling people. This two-tiered system proves it. And it’s not the first time. Remember during the Covid scare, migrants were allowed to cross into the U.S. without being tested or vaxxed but U.S. citizens were subjected to weekly and even daily Covid tests and later vaccine mandates. Submit or lose your job.

Podcaster Dave Rubin shared a picture of one of the TSA airport signs last week in a post to X. The TSA sign states, rather clearly, that illegals will be treated differently than citizens. It says, “TSA is partnering with CBP to test the use of CBP One at certain TSA checkpoints to validate adult non-US citizen travel documentation when the traveler does not otherwise have an acceptable form of Identification.”

The TSA sign explains that it is “optional” for illegal immigrants to have their face scanned by a TSA officer and that the TSA will not store the immigrant’s information but will only use the information to verify information provided to CBP through the CBP One app.

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TSA director arrested by US Customs and Border Protection

An official with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been arrested on an outstanding warrant, according to local reports.

TSA Assistant Federal Security Director Maxine McManaman was arrested in Atlanta by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Dec. 28. 

McManaman had a warrant for her arrest posted by the St. Lucie County (Florida) Sheriff’s Office, which claimed she and an alleged accomplice named Delroy Chambers Sr. exploited a relative suffering from dementia by falsifying documents in their name, according to Port St. Lucie Police.

The Florida authorities allege that the duo forged signatures on a quitclaim deed transferring ownership of a property in the relative’s name over to themselves.

The relative whose property was transferred to McManaman and Chambers allegedly could not have signed the quitclaim deed, because the individual was found to have been in Atlanta on the date listed, according to police. 

Chambers was previously arrested on Dec. 20 in Port St. Lucie, charged with two counts of exploitation of an elderly or disabled adult, simple neglect and two counts of forgery. He eventually bonded out of jail. 

McManaman is facing a third-degree felony charge of forgery.

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TSA Seizes Passport of Journalist Who Was Critical of Davos…

Journalist Morgonn McMichael detained upon return from Davos.

She shares her story below.

AP Editor’s Note: Any harassment of a journalist traveling to or from Davos is a pretty good indication that you should be listening to this journalist.

Getting a “random search” through 2 airports and 3 security checkpoints and again at my gate for a 4th search & pat down.

My name was on a list with only 5 other names I saw.

When I asked why they said I had been flagged by TSA/ Homeland Security

This isn’t a coincidence…

— MORGONN (@morgonnm) January 20, 2023

UPDATE – Landed in the USA from Davos just went through border security and now my passport is detained and I have to be SEARCHED AGAIN with all of my luggage #WEF23 pic.twitter.com/7Nu1NO7BcK

— MORGONN (@morgonnm) January 20, 2023

Flagged with her name on a list…

Today I was explicitly told I was flagged and had my name on a list. This is what happens when Americans travel working to expose the evil. #FormerDetainee #WEF23 US Citizens searched 5 times in one day

— MORGONN (@morgonnm) January 20, 2023

An excellent example of her reporting from WEF…

Day 4 #WEF23 Live in Davos recap @tpusa

– Climate Change will only be solved by spending billions
– fighting “disinformation” through the mainstream
– Alternative meat options yes this means Bugs
– 2 year prediction of having global cyber attacks
– Covid… pic.twitter.com/G73lLmP29C

— MORGONN (@morgonnm) January 19, 2023

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Biden’s Welcome Gifts for Illegal Aliens Include Bypassing Airport Security, Free Airfare into U.S.

President Joe Biden, in partnership with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), is flying border crossers and illegal aliens into the United States on domestic commercial flights, for free, with waivers for them to bypass airport security requirements that American citizens must abide by.

For months, Breitbart News has reported that Biden’s immigration policies are facilitating flights of border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior. In the first few months of the year, about 7,200 border crossers and illegal aliens were boarded.

The border crossers and illegal aliens, unlike American citizens, can bypass TSA requirements — providing no proof of identification.

report from Just the News details the waivers that are given by the Biden administration and its powerful Rolodex of NGOs, corporations, and open borders groups that help get border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior with only the promise that they will check in with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

Documents obtained by Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) show NGOs like the San Diego Rapid Response Network and Jewish Family Services — both partially funded by American taxpayers — are helping the Biden administration fly illegal aliens in for free and without having to face airport security requirements.

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After 20 Years of Failure, Kill the TSA

On this day in 2001, in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created in a demonstration that the Keystone Kops are always prepared to exploit a crisis. In the ensuing two decades, the TSA has proven itself skilled at harassing travelers and freaking out over pocketknives and water bottles while steadfastly failing at its assigned task of making air transportation any safer. The TSA, in short, is an awful example of government in action.

“On the morning of September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 people were killed in a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia,” the TSA summarizes in its official history. “The attacks resulted in the creation of the Transportation Security Administration, designed to prevent similar attacks in the future.”

The TSA launched with the passage of the Aviation and Transportation and Security Act on November 19, 2001. The new law nationalized passenger screening, which previously had been the responsibility of airlines. It’s not clear why anybody saw a need for the TSA, since it’s unlikely that a federal agency would have been any more successful than private contractors at predicting terrorists’ unprecedented use of aircraft as kamikaze weapons. It’s especially unlikely that the federal agency we actually got would have successfully diverted itself from confiscating play-doh to thwarting homicidal fanatics.

“The TSA is failing to defend us against the threat of terrorism,” security expert and frequent TSA critic Bruce Schneier pointed out in 2015. “The only reason they’ve been able to get away with the scam for so long is that there isn’t much of a threat of terrorism to defend against.”

“Terrorists are much rarer than we think, and launching a terrorist plot is much more difficult than we think,” Schneier added. “I understand this conclusion is counterintuitive, and contrary to the fearmongering we hear every day from our political leaders. But it’s what the data shows.”

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