Bankruptcy Trustee to Shut Down Infowars, Liquidate Its Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families

A bankruptcy trustee on Sunday filed an emergency motion to shut down Infowars and Alex Jones’ parent company Free Speech Systems and liquidate its assets to pay the Sandy Hook families.

Earlier this month a federal judge ordered the liquidation of Alex Jones’ personal assets.

Judge Christopher Lopez approved Alex Jones’ request to convert a Chapter 11 business reorganization bankruptcy to a Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy.

However, a couple of weeks ago the judge dismissed the bankruptcy reorganization of Infowars and its parent company Free Speech Systems.

Legal experts said the Sandy Hook families could go back to the bankruptcy court and demand Alex Jones liquidate his company to pay off the Sandy Hook debt.

On Sunday the bankruptcy trustee said he intends to conduct an “orderly wind down” of Alex Jones’ media company.

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Journalist threatened with jail over publishing trans shooter Audrey Hale’s deranged journal writings

A journalist from the Tennessee Star is being summoned to appear in court and faces jail time for publishing journal writings of transgender shooter Audrey Hale, sparking freedom of the press concerns.

The article revealed that Hale, who shot and killed six people at the Covenant Elementary school in March 2023, wrote about her ‘imaginary penis’ and how she would ‘kill’ to get puberty blockers weeks before her horrific act.

For more than a year, Nashville Chancellor I’Ashea Myles has been presiding over a public records case wherein the plaintiffs are suing to get the right to release documents related to the shooting. Families of the victims are on the exact opposite side, trying to bury the documents and keep them out of the public eye.

But since the case in ongoing, Myles is claiming that the Tennessee Star may have published ‘certain purported documents and information’ that should have remained under seal. 

At Myle’s request, Tennessee Star editor-in-chief Michael Patrick Leahy will appear in court Monday to explain why his news outlet didn’t violate the court order.

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What Happened to the First Amendment, Sandy Hook?

A simple search relating to any news coverage of Sandy Hook would show that the Sandy Hook families who lost their children didn’t sue Professor James Tracy. In addition, it is noteworthy to understand that Professor James Tracy’s legal attempts to have the Supreme Court review his case under the first amendment were rejected, Why? Professor Tracy wasn’t fired because of what he said, but the fact he didn’t disclose his outside activities that apparently violated his contract. – food for thought.

It is true Alex Jones questioned the official narrative the day Sandy Hook mass shooting was being covered live by the National News with the involvement from the FBI, and State Police.

Jones certainly wasn’t incorrect about the FBI agent showing up to a crime scene ill prepared and without the proper equipment, that shocking fact came directly from the FBI agent himself on the stand at the Alex Jones trial. The same FBI agent who is currently profiting off the Sandy Hook crime scene by suing Alex Jones. This agent failed to produce the FBI waiver that is required by FBI ethics and protocols to obtain approval to profit off such crime scenes. This official FBI waiver was clearly missing at the Connecticut trial of Alex Jones. An FBI agent suing relating to a crime scene for profit? This just might be a first.

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ABLECHILD: Is the FBI Using “Legacy Tokens” to Shield Mental Health Records and Psychotropic Drug Cocktails of Mass Shooters From The Public?

According to recently released information about the Covenant School shooter, Audrey Hale, psychiatric “treatment” was part of Hale’s life since early childhood. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD) were aware of this important information within days of the shooting but have refused to share it with the public. Why?

Recall that on March 27 of last year, Hale deliberately traveled to the Covenant School with the sole purpose of taking lives. The mentally ill shooter succeeded in taking the lives of three children and three adult staff.

More than a year has passed since the shooting and, finally, information about Hale and her mental health history is being made public, including information about the cocktail of prescription drugs Hale had been prescribed.

According to the June 12 Tennessee Star article, police confiscated from Hale’s parent’s home prescription bottles that bear Hale’s name and the name of a psychiatric nurse practitioner. There also was one medication apparently prescribed by a Nashville Psychiatrist, which makes sense given earlier reports that Hale had been a patient at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center for most of her life – twenty-two years to be exact – and had been under the care of both a therapist and psychiatrist.

So, what prescription psychiatric drugs had the shooter been taking prior to the murderous rampage?

Lexapro – a drug used to “treat” depression from the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) family of Drugs. Possible side effects include, abnormal thinking, aggravated depression, aggression/aggressive reaction, aggravated restlessness, depersonalization, feeling unreal, hallucination, hypomania, paranoia, suicidal ideation/behavior, mania, acute psychosis, anger, delusion, mood swings, psychotic disorder, to name a few. Not recommended used with Buspirone.

Buspirone – an anxiety medication in a class called Anxiolytics to “treat” anxiety disorders. Possible side effects include, insomnia, anger, hostility, confusion, depression, dream disturbances, depersonalization, akathisia, fearfulness, hallucinations, suicidal ideation to name a few.

Hydroxyzine – used as a sedative to “treat” anxiety and tension. Possible side effects include aggression, agitation, confusion, depression, disorientation, hallucination, and insomnia to name a few.

Taking these prescriptions together can increase the risk of serious side effects and all three drugs are “recommended” to not be taken together. But it’s important to realize that the public still has not been provided any information about Hale’s mental health history such as what mental illness(es) had the shooter been diagnosed with? And this would include the entire patient history at Vanderbilt University Psychiatry Department along with the most recent diagnoses prior to the shooting. Given the leaked prescription information, it starts to make sense why law enforcement continues to withhold Hale’s mental health data.

This bombshell of suppressed evidence by the FBI and the Nashville Police Department (MNPD) is featured in the letter written to the Nashville Police Department (MNPD) by the FBI, explaining “Legacy Tokens” is the language used to describe information withheld from the public. This letter was obtained through an ongoing lawsuit between the Editor in Chief, Michael Patrick Leahy, and Star New Digital Media Inc., requesting the release of Hales writings, including those called a manifesto.

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Covenant Killer Audrey Hale Used Federal Pell Grant Funds to Buy Guns She Used in March 2023 Mass Shooting at Christian School

Covenant School shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale reportedly used funds from a federal Pell Grant to buy the guns she used to perpetrate a mass shooting in March 2023.

99.7 WTN afternoon radio host Brian Wilson reported Wednesday that Hale “took money from an education grant she received to purchase her weapons and to pay for training at a local gun range.”

Hale purchased seven guns, three of which were recovered from the Covenant School after she died during an encounter with Metro Nashville Police Department officers, police said at the time in a post to X. She killed six people, including three children.

Four more guns, including a sawed-off shotgun and a second shotgun, among other items, were recovered by police at Hale’s parents’ home in the Belmont-Hillsboro neighborhood, MNPD said in a news release the day of the shooting.

The Tennessee Star emailed MNPD to ask if it would provide information regarding the make and model of the guns Hale owned, where they were purchased, and what they cost. MNPD declined to answer, saying that “materials included in the open investigative file are protected.”

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Alex Jones agrees to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families, in move that would end his ownership of Infowars

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Thursday moved to liquidate his personal assets, agreeing to demands from the families of Sandy Hook victims whom he owes more than $1.5 billion in damages over his lies about the 2012 school massacre.

The seismic move paves the way for a future in which Jones no longer owns Infowars, the influential conspiracy empire he founded in the late 1990s. Over the years, Jones has not only used the media company to poison the public discourse with vile lies and conspiracy theories, but also to enrich himself to the tune of millions of dollars.

Prior to Thursday, Jones had resisted converting his personal bankruptcy into a Chapter 7 liquidation. But facing mounting legal pressure, he reversed course and caved to the demands of the Sandy Hook families, who have still not seen a penny from Jones since juries in Connecticut and Texas found him liable in 2022 for defamation and emotional distress. His lawyers said in a filing that there was “no reasonable prospect for a successful reorganization” and that continuing down the path would only result in additional expenses incurred by Jones.

The legal maneuver ultimately “means [Jones’] ownership in Free Speech Systems is going to get sold,” Avi Moshenberg, an attorney who represents some of the Sandy Hook families, told CNN on Thursday night, referencing the parent company of Infowars.

“Converting the case to Chapter 7 will hasten the end of these bankruptcies and facilitate the liquidation of Jones’s assets, which is the same reason we have moved to convert his company’s case to Chapter 7,” Chris Mattei, another attorney representing Sandy Hook families, told CNN.

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Trans school shooter Audrey Hale shared fantasies of killing family, children with therapist who failed to report ideation to law enforcement: report

A new report revealed that the psychologist who was reportedly part of the care team for trans Covenant School shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale allegedly failed in her professional and legal duty to warn law enforcement that Hale expressed fantasies about murdering family members and carrying out a school shooting.

According to 99.7 WTN’s Brian Wilson, “The ongoing [MNPD] investigation apparently focuses on the shooter’s therapist.” He added, “Metro Nashville Police Department is remaining silent on this, but sources familiar with the investigation confirm that the search warrants were run on the home and office of the therapist in an effort to obtain notes of the therapy sessions with the Covenant School Shooter. One source says detectives have evidence that the shooter told the therapist about fantasies that involved, among other things, killing her parents and carrying out a school shooting of some kind.”

Retired MNPD officer Garet Davidson told Wilson, “I know there has been a search warrant served. One of the practitioner’s offices, I think home as well, regarding some documentation.” Davidson added, “I’m a little skeptical that it’s [the MNPD investigation into the Covenant killing] active, open, and actually being worked. And I don’t know, if it was, why it hasn’t already been presented to DA Funk to go ahead and see about an indictment on that individual in question.”

A source gave the name of the psychologist to The Tennesse Star, but the outlet is withholding it for privacy reasons. However, the outlet confirmed that the psychologist in question was previously licensed in Tennessee from August 1986 until December 1, 2022, has a PhD from George Peabody College, which is part of Vanderbilt University, and had no history of disciplinary action or professional complaints during her almost 40 years in the field.

The Starreported that the psychologist is now claiming that she closed her practice on December 31, 2022, before Hale’s shooting at the Covenant School on March 27, 2023. The outlet reported that a search warrant was served and executed on the psychologist’s Nashville office in July 2023 and that documents found during the search revealed that Hale told the psychologist during treatment that she fantasized about killing her family and committing a school shooting.

According to the outlet, the psychologist could face criminal charges or be subject to civil claims for violating Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA) 33-3-206, which makes any “mental health professional or behavior analyst” a mandatory reporter stating that a “service recipient has communicated to a mental health professional or behavior analyst an actual threat of bodily harm against a clearly identified victim” and “has determined or reasonably should have determined that the service recipient has the apparent ability to commit such an act and is likely to carry out the threat unless prevented from doing so,” the mental health provider “shall take reasonable care to predict, warn of, or take precautions to protect the identified victim from the service recipient’s violent behavior.”

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Black New Jersey Marine arrested after threatening to target white people in mass shooting

A New Jersey Marine has been arrested after he allegedly threatened on social media to kill white people and had reportedly been planning a mass shooting. 

23-year-old Joshua Cobb, of Trenton, was arrested on May 10 by the FBI and charged with transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce, according to the US Attorney’s Office, District of New Jersey

Cobb allegedly threatened on social media to “cause mayhem on the white community” and expressed hopes of becoming a serial killer. His phone also contained notes describing how to bring weapons into New Jersey. 

In a December 17, 2022, post, Cobb wrote, “I want to cause mayhem on the white community. The reason i specifically want to target white people is because as a black male, they will NEVER understand my struggles. Same way I will never understand their struggles, but I don’t care to. I want to erase them. All of them really, but in this case as many as I possibly can.” 

“As of today I have officially began planning my attack,” the post continued. “It is going to take place in 2023 in the state of New Jersey, I have not chosen a exact date but I am going to be sure it is close to an important holiday to their race. I have a location in mind already which I have frequented for the past year and I am certain nobody there is armed to be able to stop me from spraying them to the ground. I have already acquired 2 of the 4 firearms I plan to use for my attack, and I also know my entry and exit points already after the mayhem.” 

Cobb made additional posts in April and May of 2023, writing in one, “Imagine the rush you’d feel while shooting some sh*t up. Probably could get literally high off the adrenaline alone. I’d probably OD on my own adrenaline after the 10th body goes down.” 

“Tbh I hope I do progress into a serial killer because I f*cking hate life man… But one day everyone will suffer. I promise I will make everyone feel my f*ucking pain. My deep, sincere, raw, & sharp pain,” another post stated. 

Cobb also wrote that “the only way out is bloodshed,” adding that he was “leaving evidence for whoever investigates my case.” 

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Army reservist testifies he warned about gunman before mass shooting in Maine

An Army reservist and acquaintance of Robert Card, the gunman responsible for a mass shooting in Maine in 2023, testified on Thursday that he warned about Card’s behavior weeks before the attack occurred, the Associated Press reported.

Sean Hodgson told members of his reserve unit of his concerns with Card six weeks before a mass shooting in Maine that left 13 people wounded and 18 people dead, according to reports. It was the deadliest mass shooting in Maine’s history.

Hodgson told investigators that he observed strange behavior in Card and was concerned he might do something violent, according to the Associated Press. He said he believed Card was suffering from mental health problems, which prompted Hodgson to inform his superior officers and request that they change the passcodes to a gate at their training facility. He also warned them to arm themselves in the event Card appeared.

Hodgson also told investigators of a time when Card became violent with him and punched him in the face. Card had also threatened multiple members of his unit, and the incidents raised his concerns that Card would try to do something harmful to others, the Associated Press reported. Hodgson was also worried because Card had gun access.  

The magnitude of Card’s threats were steadily increasing, Hodgson said. 

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FBI Turns Over Nashville, Tennessee Mass Shooter’s Manifesto To The Court

The FBI has turned over Nashville Tennessee Covenant School mass shooter Audrey Hale’s private writing and manifesto to a federal judge who will read them privately and decide how to deal with their release. 

Star News Digital Media Inc., The Tennessee Star’s parent company, sued the FBI in May 2023 after the March 2023 shooting. The news organization had claimed the FBI had violated the First Amendment by rejecting multiple Freedom of Information Act requests for Hale’s manifesto.

U.S. District Court Judge Aleta A. Trauger, who has presided over the case agreed with the Tennessee Star over a month ago that it was in the public’s interest to release the documents to determine what the motive of the mass shooting was. 

Hale killed three nine-year old children and three faculty members during her mass shooting spree before she was shot dead by law enforcement on the scene inside the school. 

Trauger will review the documents privately, before deciding whether to share the writings with the plaintiffs.

“Pursuant to this Court’s Order dated March 15, 2024, ECF No. 42, the FBI notifies the Court that today, April 17, 2024, the FBI provided the requested records to the Court for its ex parte, in camera review,” the FBI said in its formal notification.

Trauger previously said that there was “significant public interest” in the shooter’s manifesto, when a few pages were leaked by conservative commentator Steven Crowder last November. 

Those leaked pages revealed anti-white writings. 

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