Vatican preparing ‘guidelines’ for ‘apparitions’, ‘other supernatural phenomena’

The Vatican is preparing to release a document giving guidance on how to discern supernatural phenomena. 

The Holy See Press Office announced the upcoming document will be published May 17 with a live-streamed press conference featuring Prefect for the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández.

Fernández has previously said the dicastery is “in the process of finalizing a new text with clear guidelines and norms for the discernment of apparitions and other phenomena,” according to the National Catholic Register.

An “apparition” refers to an instance in which a divine entity — such as a saint, the Virgin Mary, or Christ himself — makes itself known to a person on Earth. The concept is a recurring theme in the Bible and most Christian denominations affirm the belief that such brushes with the supernatural can still occur today in various capacities.

The Catholic Church urges “extreme prudence” before ascribing phenomena to a supernatural force, warning that being too quick to attribute divine origin to explainable occurrences can damage the faith and warp belief.

Alleged apparitions are usually documented and scrutinized by the diocesan bishop’s office and then forwarded to Rome for further investigation.

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The Pentagon is lying about UFOs

Congress held a historic hearing on UFOs last July. The hearing, which featured testimony from two former Navy fighter pilots and a former senior intelligence officer, garnered a notable amount of attention and interest not seen on Capitol Hill in years.

In one remarkable exchange, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) described how his office received a “protected disclosure” from Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, regarding a January 2023 UFO incident over the Gulf of Mexico. After being stonewalled by the Air Force, he delivered a tense, on-base reminder to the military about “how authorities flow in the United States of America.” The Air Force relented, permitting Gaetz to review sensor data gathered during the encounter.

According to Gaetz, fighter pilots tracked four unknown objects flying in a “clear diamond formation.” Notably, the incident occurred on a training range typically conspicuously free of any airborne clutter.

Still imagery indicated that one of the objects demonstrated capabilities that Gaetz, who has served on the House Armed Services Committee for nearly a decade, was “not able to attach to any human capability, either from the United States or from any of our adversaries.”

Radar data, according to Gaetz, showed that the four objects moved in a “very clear formation [with] equidistant” separation.

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The Real-Life UFO Story That Led to a Famously Unmade Steven Spielberg Sci-fi Movie

Steven Spielberg has had a lifelong fascination with alien beings from beyond the stars. When the legendary director was just 17, he made a nearly two-and-a-half-hour epic on his 8mm camera called Firelight, a film that he more or less remade 14 years later as Close Encounters of the Third Kind. That 1977 classic would be the first of three professional movies Spielberg would make about aliens arriving on our planet, the other two being E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) and War of the Worlds (2005). And each trip into the extraterrestrial has led to one of the director’s most successful and acclaimed films (we’re not counting 2008’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull since Spielberg didn’t actually want aliens in the movie).

It’s also a subject that continues to fascinate the filmmaker, with Variety recently reporting that Spielberg’s next film is going to be another UFO story based on his own original idea. But of the many announced films that Spielberg never made (and there are a bunch), one continues to intrigue his fans decades after he began developing it: Night Skies. Pitched as the darker, nastier flipside to the friendly aliens in Close EncountersNight Skies was meant to follow a group of extraterrestrial beings that land on Earth and begin to terrorize a family on their isolated farm.

The idea for Night Skies came to Spielberg after he heard about an alleged real-life incident while doing research for Close Encounters that involved a family under attack by extraterrestrials. But what exactly was the incident, and why is it famous in Ufology? How did it influence Night Skies, and how did Night Skies itself morph into an utterly different film altogether? Well…

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Underwater UFOs display capability that ‘jeopardizes US maritime security,’ ex-Navy officer says

UFOs that have shown the ability to seamlessly transition from air to sea without a splash or crash debris are an “urgent” national security concern with “world-changing” scientific ramifications, an ex-Navy officer said.

In July 2019, the USS Omaha recorded a UFO – or UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena) – that buzzed a Navy fleet off San Diego and disappeared into the ocean without a trace.

The video, first released by Jeremy Corbell and verified by the Pentagon, displays capability that “jeopardizes U.S. maritime security, which is already weakened by our relative ignorance about the global ocean,” oceanographer and retired Rear Adm. Tim Gallaudet said.

“The fact that unidentified objects with unexplainable characteristics are entering US water space and the DOD is not raising a giant red flag is a sign that the government is not sharing all it knows about all-domain anomalous phenomena,” Gallaudet wrote in his March 2024 report. 

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Last month the U.S. government’s new UAP investigation office, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), submitted a report to Congress entitled, “Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” (UAP, the new term for UFO). This new report is itself anomalous for several reasons.

First, who ever heard of a government report being submitted months before it was due? Especially one so rife with embarrassing errors in desperate need of additional fact-checking and revision? Was AARO Director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick rushing to get the report out the door before departing, perhaps to ensure that his successor could not revise or reverse some of the report’s conclusions?

Second, this appears to be the first AARO report submitted to Congress that the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) did not sign off on. I don’t know why, but Avril Haines and her Office were quite right not to in this case, having spared themselves considerable embarrassment in the process.

Third, this is the most error-ridden and unsatisfactory government report I can recall reading during or after decades of government service. We all make mistakes, but this report is an outlier in terms of inaccuracies and errors. Were I reviewing this as a graduate student’s thesis it would receive a failing grade for failing to understand the assignment, sloppy and inadequate research, and flawed interpretation of the data. Hopefully, long before it was submitted, the author would have consulted his or her professor and received some guidance and course correction to prevent such an unfortunate outcome.

Another irregularity worth noting is the fact that before its release, Department of Defense (DoD) Public Affairs sponsored a closed-door pre-brief on the report’s findings for a select group of press outlets on an invitation-only basis. Outlets like The Debrief, which closely follow the UAP issue, were excluded. Following the report’s release, most of the news agencies that had participated in the pre-brief went on to publish articles that uncritically parroted the report’s findings. Moreover, they seem to have done so without consulting any of the scholars or experts who have studied and written extensively on this topic as would normally be the case in another field.

What about consulting the famous scientist, author, venture capitalist, and UAP expert Dr. Jacques Vallee, who worked with Air Force astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek on Project Blue Book and lived much of the history this UAP report purports to cover? Neither AARO nor the press bothered to speak with him. How about Robert Powell, Director of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies and author of the outstanding new book UFOs: A Scientist Explains What We Know (and Don’t Know)? Or professor Alexander Wendt at the Ohio State University? I’m sure these and many other authors and scholars would have been happy to assist AARO or the press, had they been contacted.

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Harvard professor claims that UFOs could have travelled to Earth via ‘extra dimensions’ that CERN scientists are trying to unlock

The US government has yet to unravel the mysterious sightings of UFOs soaring through our skies, but a Harvard professor believes the answer may sit 300 feet below the surface.

Avi Loeb, known for his efforts to prove we are not alone, has claimed that extraterrestrial visitors are travelling through hidden dimensions created by researchers at the CERN particle accelerator are seeking.

The accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), blasts particles are nearly the speed of light to recreate conditions of the Big Bang, with hopes of uncovering  hidden dimensions that will reveal how our universe formed.

Speaking in a new documentary, Loeb said that alien civilizations may have been developing dimension-hopping technology for billions of years.

The physicist also noted that extraterrestrials are using theoretical quantum gravity engineering to travel through ‘curled’ dimensions that humans can only detect in particle accelerators such as CERN.

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UFOs don’t come to sighting hotspot in Wales for the sheep, expert says

An active network of ufologists and its abundance of space are why Wales is the UK’s UFO sighting hotspot according to an expert.

Wales is the most likely place to spot a UFO in Britain, with more sightings per capital than anywhere else in the UK, according to Podcaster and UFO boffin Ash Ellis, who reckons 21 of the 323 sightings across the UK last year were in Wales.

It’s also believed the only Earthly physical evidence of UFO comes from Wales, in the form of metal debris collected from a site near the village of Llanilar near Aberystwyth in 1983 where an object flying through the air crashed into trees, scattering pieces of itself across four fields before flying off.

And then there’s the sighting – or spate of sightings – around Broad Haven in Pembrokeshire in 1977 which was featured in Netflix documentary Encounters.

One of UK’s leading UFO experts Philip Mantle believes there are several factors at play behind Wales’ reputation, chiefly a robust network of ufologists whom public could report sightings to.

He said: “There are some very active UFO researchers in Wales. It’s a bit which comes first, the UFO or the UFO researcher. If you’ve got no one to report it to, then no one can report it.

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Fighter Jets Scrambled to Intercept UFO Detected Near Spanish Air Force Base

A pilot with the Spanish Air Force recently shared an intriguing account of an incident wherein fighter jets were scrambled to intercept a UFO. The curious event reportedly took place sometime last year and came to light this past Sunday by way of a Spanish journalist who published a letter that he received from the unnamed witness. Indicating that the incident occurred at the Morón Air Base near the city of Seville, the pilot explained that “our squadron was on operational alert when we received a detection signal from an unidentified flying object.”

In response to the presence of the UFO in the airspace near the base, “the scramble protocol was immediately activated” and the squadron of Eurofighter jets quickly took flight in search of the mysterious aerial interloper. “Upon arriving in the designated area,” the pilot recalled, “we observed an unidentified flying object that exhibited erratic behavior and did not respond to standard identification signals.” When they tried to approach the mysterious object, he wrote, “the UFO demonstrated a maneuvering capability that defied the capabilities of any known conventional aircraft, and eventually quickly disappeared from our sight at a speed that far exceeded any known operating parameter.”

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More UFO hearings coming, Rep. Tim Burchett says

After a Pentagon report denying any evidence of alien technology or extraterrestrial life, Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., said there need to be more hearings on the subject.

The Pentagon report was issued in the wake of a whistleblower complaint from former intelligence officer David Grusch, who claimed the Pentagon was operating a secret UFO-retrieval program and even suggested the government had alien remains.

A hearing with Grusch and other former military personnel who had experiences encountering UAPs garnered bipartisan support from lawmakers but didn’t lead to any admission from the Department of Defense about alleged programs.

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