Trump Blasts Media, Biden Camp As “Shameless Liars” For Claiming Videos Are Fake

In a speech in Wisconsin Tuesday, Donald Trump called out the Biden campaign and its media mouthpieces as “shameless liars” for suggesting that footage of him wandering around looking lost at the G7 summit and having to be led off a stage by Obama at a fundraiser were somehow faked.

“They have a candidate that has no clue, doesn’t know where he is, and all they can do is lie. Joe Biden is humiliating our country on the world stage” Trump told the crowd, adding “they say the videos of crooked Joe shuffling around are clean fakes,” referring to the recent footage.

Further speaking about Biden’s odd behaviour, Trump asserted “At the G7 in Europe, he had to be rescued by other world leaders, they had to pull him back, then he bizarrely put his face on the Pope’s forehead. What was that all about? That was weird.”

“Did you see the Pope? The Pope is like, ‘What’s happening?’ The Pope didn’t really know what was happening. He said this is strange,” Trump hilariously continued.

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Author: HP McLovincraft

Seeker of rabbit holes. Pessimist. Libertine. Contrarian. Your huckleberry. Possibly true tales of sanity-blasting horror also known as abject reality. Prepare yourself. Veteran of a thousand psychic wars. I have seen the fnords. Deplatformed on Tumblr and Twitter.

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