Democrat Fraudster Begs Joe Biden to Pardon Her

Former Baltimore prosecutor and convicted fraudster Marilyn Mosby is begging President Joe Biden to pardon her as she awaits her sentence. 

According to a letter sent to Biden by the Congressional Black Caucus on Thursday, Mosby claims that her conviction was politically motivated, prompting her to plead with Biden to save her from serving a potential 20 months in federal prison. 

“As a nation that leads by example, our justice system must not be weaponized to prevent progress toward a more perfect union,” Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV) wrote in the letter. “We share your desire for racial equity, Mr. President and this Trump-era prosecution is in direct conflict with a justice system that serves us all.” 

Mosby’s conviction includes one count of mortgage fraud and two counts of perjury. She is seeking nothing more than probation for her actions. 

In February, a federal jury found that Mosby made a false statement on a mortgage application for a home in Florida. Three months later, another jury convicted the Democrat on charges relating to the withdrawal of COVID-19 funds from the city’s Deferred Compensation Plan. 

Prosecutors alleged that Mosby used the financial hardships of COVID-19 to make early withdrawals from her retirement account which she then used for down payments on two Florida homes. 

“While pardon applications generally express remorse and regret, what happens when justice was not served and in fact, denied?” Mosby wrote in her pardon application. “No such remorse and regret is appropriate in this case.”

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Author: HP McLovincraft

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