Wife of Google Whistleblower Killed In Car Crash

Dr. Robert Epstein, on X @DrREpstein, suggests his wife’s 2019 fatal car crash was NOT an accident.

Epstein said that after he briefed a group of state AGs about Google’s power to rig elections, one of them approached him and said, “I think you’re going to die in an accident in a few months.”

His wife died a few months later in a fatal crash that Epstein claims might be connected to his testimony about Google’s search engine bias in US elections.

“They are picking our presidents, our senators, our members of congress, our attorneys general,” Epstein said on The Alex Jones Show in 2023.

Bottom line: If we don’t stop them in the 2024 election, Google alone will be able to shift between 6.4 and 25.5 million votes to one candidate.

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Author: HP McLovincraft

Seeker of rabbit holes. Pessimist. Libertine. Contrarian. Your huckleberry. Possibly true tales of sanity-blasting horror also known as abject reality. Prepare yourself. Veteran of a thousand psychic wars. I have seen the fnords. Deplatformed on Tumblr and Twitter.

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