Other researchers who have compiled evidence that US military-public health-vaccination programs injure and kill people.

In studying American legal history, scientific fraud, drug manufacturing deregulation/non-regulation, and military/vaccination/public health/communicable disease/emergency management programs these last few years, I’ve found the work of other researchers who have traveled similar paths.

Some of these investigators are listed below, with examples of their work reporting on US government chemical and biological warfare, vaccination, communicable disease and population control programs; smallpox; polio; swine flu; avian flu; AIDS; brucellosis; anthrax; immune system disorders; cancer; public health emergency law, and related topics.

I’m posting the list for readers who may be interested in it.

It’s not a complete list of authors who have studied and written about these issues, and the listed researchers have not reached identical historical or scientific conclusions.

I haven’t read all of the works listed and I don’t find all of the conclusions I have read, to be equally plausible, credible or actionable.

I’ve read enough of their work to conclude that each researcher has studied some of the same things I’ve studied.

What do they have in common?

Each researcher has compiled evidence that US government statements about military, public health, and vaccination program objectives, historical events and scientific, regulatory data, have been demonstrably false for a very long time, and each researcher’s work has been suppressed and maligned, to prevent widespread public interest in it and access to it.

Some of the listed investigators have concluded that documented injuries and deaths caused by chemical and biological agents, including vaccines, deployed against foreign and domestic human targets, have been unintentional, unexpected effects of willed acts undertaken with benevolent intent.

Others have concluded that injuries and deaths have been intentional, planned, anticipated effects of willed acts undertaken with malicious intent.

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Author: HP McLovincraft

Seeker of rabbit holes. Pessimist. Libertine. Contrarian. Your huckleberry. Possibly true tales of sanity-blasting horror also known as abject reality. Prepare yourself. Veteran of a thousand psychic wars. I have seen the fnords. Deplatformed on Tumblr and Twitter.

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