Definitions of SAEs were altered during COVID-19 shot roll-out in Canada

I am posting this as a separate Substack article because it speaks to my article from yesterday about spike protein binding estrogen receptors. It is exceedingly important to understand what is being said here: the classification of an SAE was pigeon-holed to exclude everything but hospitalization, disability/incapacity or death. I imagine they did this to try to mimic the VAERS definition of an SAE, but left out birth defect, life-threatening illness and emergency room visits.

Having said this, um, what about all the other things that are excluded as SAEs that perhaps involved hospitalization, but that didn’t get the hospital box checked? What about all the other AEFIs/AEs that are certainly serious but that don’t click any boxes?

The part of this report from Odessa Orlewicz that I want to focus on, however, are the comments she reports on that refer to the disparity between AEFIs reported for males and women.

Here is a reiteration of my hypothesis from yesterday’s article entitled: “Spike binds estrogen receptor and could alter collagenase gene expression”.

Since targeted delivery of the modified-spike-mRNA-LNP complex results in massive amounts of (intracellular) spike protein production, and spike protein binds to estrogen receptors, is it possible that this binding event prevents dimerization of ERs to subsequently down-regulate specific gene activity? And if so, is one of these genes collagenase? And if so, is this why we are seeing strange de novo connective tissue disorders and fibrosis in individuals post COVID-19 injection?

I will add another question to my list.

And if so, does this explain why females were/are sustaining more injuries (and reporting more) than males in the context of the COVID-19 shots?

Apparently, according to FOI-requested information from individuals and organizations in Canada now implicated in contracting SAE definitions to give the AEFI data the appearance of being innocuous (aka: you’ll only feel a slight pinch), there were 8.2 times more women sustaining injury from the COVID-19 shots than men. This is also mirrored in VAERS.

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Author: HP McLovincraft

Seeker of rabbit holes. Pessimist. Libertine. Contrarian. Your huckleberry. Possibly true tales of sanity-blasting horror also known as abject reality. Prepare yourself. Veteran of a thousand psychic wars. I have seen the fnords. Deplatformed on Tumblr and Twitter.

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