Stephanopoulos: ‘Deep State Is Packed with Patriots’

ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos said Tuesday on “The View” that he believed the so-called deep state was “packed with patriots.”

Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin said, “The book is so good. My favorite thing is you interviewed Situation Room staff. I have always said it’s White House staff whose names you’ll never know are the writers of history. They will tell us so many details.”

Stephanopoulos said, “That was my favorite part about doing the book. I interviewed about a hundred duty officers from the White House and these are people who come, they are relatively young people who come from all over the government, the CIA, the DIA, the Defense Department, military.”

He continued, “Some people like to call those people the deep state. Well, the big thing I learned doing this book is that the deep state is packed with patriots, people who go to work every single day and are on the frontlines of the most intense crises the country faces and do it to serve their country and to serve the presidency, not the president. They don’t care about political parties. They’re there to serve the presidency and the institution.”

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Author: HP McLovincraft

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