Bill Gates Is Investing “Billions” In The New Wave Of Nuclear Power

It isn’t often Bill “Mr. I Know What’s Best For The Entire World” Gates comes up with an idea that we aren’t immediately skeptical of, but his recent pledge to promote next generation nuclear power sounds to us to be a common sense solution to multiple problems we’ll be facing in coming years. 

Gates is pledging billions of dollars to promote nuclear through startup TerraPower LLC, wrote this week. And it looks like that number could grow. 

Gates recently told Bloomberg: “I put in over a billion, and I’ll put in billions more.” notes that nuclear power is gaining global traction as a key player in decarbonization strategies. In addition to TerraPower, companies like Sam Altman-led Oklo are also focused on modernizing nuclear with small modular reactors. 

Advocates emphasize its immense clean energy potential, proven technology, and existing infrastructure. Although not renewable, nuclear energy emits zero carbon and could help meet global emissions targets.

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Author: HP McLovincraft

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