UFO whistleblower says he’s being threatened as congressman warns protections are a ‘joke’

UFO whistleblowers are being threatened, and protections currently in place “are a joke,” a congressman told Fox News Digital. 

Lue Elizondo, who was the head of a secretive Pentagon unit that studied UFOs, said there have been threats against him and “several other whistleblowers formerly associated with the UAP [unidentified anomalous phenomena] effort for the U.S. Government.”

“I would like to make this perfectly clear to the American people. I am not prone to accidents. I am not suicidal. I am not abusing drugs. I am not engaged in any illicit activities,” Elizondo said in a statement to “The Good Trouble Show” on May 15.

“If something happens to me or my family members in the future, you will know what happened.”

Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., who has been one of the lawmakers leading the push for full UFO disclosure, is a personal friend of Elizondo.

“There is whistleblower protection, but it’s a joke, and we know it’s a joke,” Burchett told Fox News Digital. 

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Author: HP McLovincraft

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