Microsoft Introduces AI “Recall” Tool That Records *Everything* You Do On Your Computer

It records everything you do with your PC, including your apps, movies, documents, emails, browsing history, browser tabs, and more.

Microsoft recently unveiled a new AI tool that has a lot of people online concerned about what this means for their privacy and safety. The AI tool called “Recall,” that will become available to some Windows 11 users, records the user’s screen and allows them to go back in time and see what it is they were doing. Microsoft claims that the data is stored locally and therefore protected, but many are not convinced.

According to Windows Latest‘With Recall, Microsoft says it can turn your previous actions into “searchable snapshots”, allowing you to search and interact with your past actions. Recall runs in the background and relies on the NPU chip to record your screen.’

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Author: HP McLovincraft

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