US Congressman Says Revealing UFO Technology Is a Threat to Energy Sector: It Can Disrupt World Economy

A thought-provoking interview has recently been conducted between Project Unity host Jay Anderson and the U.S. Congressman Andy Ogles. The discussion focused on the implications of complete UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) disclosure. Anderson asked serious questions to Rep. Ogles about UFOs, revealing that the release of extraterrestrial technology could potentially disrupt the world economy and energy sector.

Rep. Andy Ogles spoke about the difficulty in gathering information due to the compartmentalization of special access projects, emphasizing the need for a methodical and persistent approach to uncover the truth. In the interview, he expressed his concern about UAPs operating in both military and commercial airspace, raising questions about the potential national security threats. He said, “I’m not going to assume I know what it may or may not be. What I do know is there’s a national security issue here.”

He considers various possibilities, including the involvement of experimental aircraft, joint ventures, or foreign adversaries. He emphasizes the importance of avoiding predetermined conclusions and encourages an open-minded investigation to determine the true nature of the UAP phenomenon.

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Author: HP McLovincraft

Seeker of rabbit holes. Pessimist. Libertine. Contrarian. Your huckleberry. Possibly true tales of sanity-blasting horror also known as abject reality. Prepare yourself. Veteran of a thousand psychic wars. I have seen the fnords. Deplatformed on Tumblr and Twitter.

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