New ‘compelling evidence’ found at Roswell UFO site could prove alien craft crashed in 1947, experts say

America’s most famous UFO case is still producing more evidence as scientists and civilians are on a mission to prove that the Roswell crash was not of this world. 

The 1947 incident made headlines when the US Army Air Force issued a press release stating that it had recovered debris from a ‘flying disc’ — only later to reverse course, claiming that the material had really just belonged to a downed weather balloon.

Geologist Frank Kimbler is among the many experts who have challenged the military’s official version of what crashed on the outskirts of this New Mexico town, where he has scoured the alleged UFO’s crash site with a metal detector since 2010.

Kimbler has since uncovered over 20 unusual scraps of metal material, most no bigger than a fingernail, and has now submitted one uniquely odd metal for testing to the Discovery Channel’s new series ‘Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction.’

Testing revealed that the metal was ‘100-percent pure aluminum,’ which experts said was ‘compelling evidence’ that could prove aliens crashed in the area decades ago.

‘I was really trying to champion truth throughout,’ the new series’ cohost, Chrissy Newton, told, adding that she was not afraid to debunk a few celebrated UFO cases, if that’s where the facts led.

‘I want to prove that it’s identifiable,’ Newton said, ‘not everyone’s gonna like that.’

Nevertheless, Newton found the tests on the pure aluminum mystery metal to be compelling, she said, in part because a former Pentagon UFO investigator has told her that ‘pure aluminum has been connected to multiple other UFO crash sites.’

While Newton did not name her Pentagon source, she described them as ‘a source formerly from AATIP,’ the US military’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which from 2007 to 2012 had been tasked (in part) with studying UFOs.

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Author: HP McLovincraft

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