No Country Immune From NATO Attack, Putin Warns

With the world rapidly changing, things will no longer be as they were before. Today, the global political landscape, the economy, and technological competition are all evolving at breakneck speed. President Vladimir Putin stated at a meeting with top officials of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“The world is changing rapidly. Nothing will be like it was before, not global politics, not the economy, nor technological competition,” the president clarified.

“This endeavor, in today’s challenging and rapidly changing realities, demands even greater concentration of effort and initiative towards resilience: not only the ability to respond to current challenges but also to shape our own, long-term agenda. Alongside our partners, we should propose and discuss, within an open and constructive dialogue, solutions to those fundamental questions that concern not only us but the entire global community,” he stressed.

Multipolar World Order

Russian President Vladimir Putin has emphasized that the cornerstone of this emerging reality is the establishment of a multipolar world order.

“Today, the outlines of a multipolar and multilateral world order are being formed based on the new political and economic reality. This process highlights the inherent human diversity of culture and civilization, despite ongoing efforts at artificial homogenization,” he said.

More and more countries are striving to strengthen their sovereignty, self-sufficiency, and national and cultural identity. “Countries of the Global South and East are coming to the forefront, and the role of Africa and Latin America is growing. Since Soviet times, we’ve always emphasized the importance of these world regions, but today the dynamics are entirely different,” the president stated.

Growing Interest in BRICS

Russia is witnessing a mounting interest in the BRICS organization, Putin noted.

“This vision of the future resonates with the aspirations of the vast majority of countries around the world. We see this reflected in the growing interest in BRICS, a universal association based on a special culture of trustworthy dialogue, sovereign equality of participants, and mutual respect. During Russia’s chairmanship this year, we will facilitate the smooth inclusion of new members into BRICS’ working structures,” Putin said.

He believes that the potential of BRICS will allow it to become one of the fundamental regulatory institutions in the multipolar world order.

Putin stated that Western powers, led by the United States, believed they had emerged victorious from the Cold War and could dictate the global order, while dismissing Russia’s legitimate concerns with evasive answers.

“The Western powers, led by the US, believe that they had won the Cold War and were entitled to unilaterally determine how to organize the world. This sentiment manifested in the relentless expansion of the North Atlantic bloc, both geographically and gradually. To our legitimate questions, they responded with excuses, claiming that no one intended to attack Russia and that NATO’s expansion was not directed against Russia,” the head of state maintained.

NATO Cranking Up Pressure on Other Countries

The US-led Transatlantic bloc is seeking to ramp up pressure on nation-states it seeks to constrain, such as Russia.

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Author: HP McLovincraft

Seeker of rabbit holes. Pessimist. Libertine. Contrarian. Your huckleberry. Possibly true tales of sanity-blasting horror also known as abject reality. Prepare yourself. Veteran of a thousand psychic wars. I have seen the fnords. Deplatformed on Tumblr and Twitter.

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