Sen. Rand Paul could introduce a bill to repeal the US laws that enable worldwide, US-led pandemic-preparedness-and-response-predicated mutilation and killing programs.

Note posted by Rand Paul Review:

Covid-19 is officially exposed as a US Govt project. A virus engineered by US scientists using a bio lab in China.

We know Fauci never treated a single patient with Covid-19.

Fauci said people would give up on their “ideological bullshit” if governments made it difficult for people to live regular lives.

He insisted the “vaccine” should be forced on people, regardless of their objections.

We know Fauci lied about the efficacy of these so-called vaccines.

We know he lied about gain-of-function research.

He lied about experimenting on puppies.

The DOJ MUST prosecute Fauci immediately.

My reply:

Suggest Sen. Paul work toward stripping DoD, HHS, DHS, DOJ, DOS and other federal agencies of their global license to kill using EUA countermeasures and PREP Act liability shields, by repealing the enabling laws Congress and US Presidents have enacted.

Start with the Top 10 listed below.

Contact me if Sen. Paul or his staff would like help with drafting the repeal bill.

Top 10 repealable American federal laws enacted by US Congress and US Presidents, between 1944 and the present, to embed worldwide vaccination, mutilation and killing programs in US domestic federal law, and, through international pharmaceutical-military-weapons-product sales contracts and international mutual recognition agreements pertaining to pharmaceutical non-regulation, to embed the same programs in the national governance and laws of other countries.

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Author: HP McLovincraft

Seeker of rabbit holes. Pessimist. Libertine. Contrarian. Your huckleberry. Possibly true tales of sanity-blasting horror also known as abject reality. Prepare yourself. Veteran of a thousand psychic wars. I have seen the fnords. Deplatformed on Tumblr and Twitter.

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