Mistrial declared after jury in case of tiki torch carrier from 2017 Unite the Right rally could not reach verdict

A mistrial has been declared in a Charlottesville, Virg. trial after a jury couldn’t reach a verdict to convict a Unite the Right attendee for carrying a tiki torch at the 2017 far-right rally.

Prosecutors accused Jacob Joseph Dix of committing a state felony by burning the tiki torch, which intimidated others. Three jurors voted guilty, eight said not guilty, and one did not make a decision after almost 12 hours of deliberating.

The prosecution argued that because Dix was part of a group where one of the participants broke the law, he must be found guilty. The defense claimed that Dix should be judged on his actions alone and saying “You will not replace us” was protected speech under the First Amendment.

Prosecutor Shannon Taylor said she intends to re-try the case. “It is our commitment to retry this matter,” Special Prosecutor Shannon Taylor told CBS.

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Author: HP McLovincraft

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