Mysterious 4,000-year-old round stone building on Crete hilltop threatens to disrupt the island’s major airport project

A mysterious 4,000-year-old hilltop structure on the Greek island of Crete has threatened to disrupt plans for a major new airport project on the island. 

Resembling a huge car wheel from above, the ruins of the labyrinthine, 19,000-square-foot building came to light during a recent dig by archaeologists.

Experts believe the ‘unique and extremely interesting find’ was built by Crete’s ancient Minoan civilisation, famous for its sumptuous palaces, flamboyant art and enigmatic writing system.

But the site was earmarked for a radar station to serve a new airport under construction near the town of Kastelli.

Set to open in 2027, it is projected to replace Greece‘s second-biggest airport at Heraklion, and designed to handle up to 18 million travellers annually. 

But Greece’s culture minister Lina Mendoni, an archaeologist, pledged that the find would be preserved while a different location would be sought for the radar station.

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Author: HP McLovincraft

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